Thorium Network – Powering the Future

As time goes on, the priorities of society shift towards the benefit of all. In this day and age, that priority is often oriented towards preservation of the environment, given the delicate state of the air and water sources, and constant research is being done to find and support sustainable alternatives to most processes and products.

However, the main opposing force against these efforts is how engrained some of these are into our day to day life, from plastic containers to energy generation, and the implementation of technologies that could make these processes more efficient or eco-friendly might represent great costs. But there are still bold, visionary people that want to make a difference, and that’s where Thorium Network comes in.

A Rich Past

Thorium is a naturally occurring metal with slightly radioactive properties, discovered even before radioactivity was defined. Sadly, given the fact that radioactive elements grew in popularity due to the research of nuclear weapons in World War II and that these uses required particles with stronger radioactive properties, thorium was slowly forgotten and never explored in its full potential.

Despite a completely operational and safe reactor being built and used from 1965 to 1969 at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (U.S.), uranium technology was chosen in 1973 as the one to be developed further, leaving thorium-based nuclear energy projects to be slowly discontinued.

For years, many experts specialized themselves in the area of nuclear energy without studying or even hearing about thorium or its properties, mostly because it’s not currently used, but the environmental necessities of today’s society worked as a boost for thorium’s popularity among people and, more importantly, the scientific community. The World Nuclear Association has already released an article that explains all we need to know about thorium and its potential as a key component in more efficient, safe and eco-friendly energy generation.

Many countries in the world are already investing in projects to use thorium to enhance their production of nuclear energy, including China, Russia, India and Turkey, with many companies investing in project design and building efforts. But, given how delicate the topic of nuclear energy can be among most people due to safety issues, an additional effort needs to be made in order to raise enough support and positive sentiment for projects to succeed.

The Work Beyond Energy

Thorium Network is not focused in the financing or building of a Molten Salt Burner (MSB), but rather the implementation of a blockchain-based management system, which will enhance the energy industry with the transparency and openness that can only be achieved through blockchain.

The motivation behind this project is to offer smaller projects to enter a market entirely dominated by huge, multinational corporations or State organizations in different countries. By giving such a platform to small enthusiasts, they can market their energy generation potential to a variety of clients, while remaining completely transparent about their energy supply chain.


A Brighter Future

The Thorium Network will work as the missing link that separates the common population, the experts in nuclear technology, the investors interested in the field and the governments that would benefit from these projects.

By making everyone aware of the full potential of thorium and its reduced risks in comparison to uranium, we will move a step forward towards energy independence while keeping the ecological impact of such a crucial process to the minimum, and such an accessible project might be the catalyst we need to hasten the transition.